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Meet Perry.

Perry King is a relationship therapist working full-time in private practice. Across 15 years of practice Perry has navigated all aspects of relationships with her clients, from helping them address challenges in their intimate relationships, with their relationship to themselves, to working with family dynamics and professional relationships. She’s trained with international relationship therapy masters Dr Ellyn Bader & Dr Peter Pearson from San Francisco to deeply understand the Developmental Model of Couples Therapy. Her perpetual love of learning sees Perry continually developing her practice. 


Personally, Perry re-partnered twenty years ago and has two adult children from her previous marriage, she understands firsthand the pressures that marriage and family can add to everyday life. 

Why Reclaiming You?

A note from Perry

Therapy is a wonderful way to heal and discover underlying behaviour or motivations when it comes to relationships. I wanted to develop an affordable program that could complement the deeper self-discovery of individual therapy or stand on its own in everyday life to help you navigate relationships when the going gets tough. 


The program gives you the power to transform your relationships at your own pace for relationships that are heartfelt and balanced. You’ll come out of the workshop with a stronger sense of self, the skills to tackle difficult conversations (we’ve all been there), and the ability manage the guilt that sometimes comes with saying no. 


Life is too short to be in your head (you’ll learn to quiet that inner critic). Reclaiming You is a practical, educational workshop for happy, healthy relationships and I’d love to have you join us

Perry King.

Woman Texting

“It’s so much more than navigating relationship issues. I have learnt that to have a loving, a meaningful relationship you must do the work on yourself first! I feel I have the tools to be smarter in relationships.”



Advance training in the Bader Pearson Developmental Model of Couple Therapy 

P.G. Dip. Counselling

Bachelor’s degree from Auckland University


MNZAC, Registered with NZAC


Committed to ongoing developmentand training in all areas of

relationship therapy.


Perry King Coaching


InRelationship Therapy | Perry King 2024

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